Lethal Kickback of Largescale Renewable Energy Exploitation

Lethal Kickback of Largescale Renewable Energy Exploitation<br/>
Milan Meszaros<br/>
Alpha Group Laboratories Association<br/>
Institute of Physics<br/>
11 Rutafa Street, Bldg. H/II, H-1165 Budapest, Hungary
Fax: +36 (1) 4035167, Email: society@neumann-alpha.hu
Self-assurance combined with ignorance, on the background of obscurantism, has taken hold of world-wide environment protection to such proportions nowadays that the author is compelled to publish his opinion. The author is well aware of the fact that this endeavor is like flogging a dead horse in this world turned upside down in all aspects, but publication relieves him from the pressure of conscience. Regretfully, nowadays it is a mainstream view for both experts and laymen to approach renewable energies as some savior able to solve humans‟ energy issues. Advocates of this quite pseudo-scientific and irresponsible view, by tacit evidence, see renewable energies without even considering the natural-environmental effects of their use. “Daysight” has grown so bad that today there isn‟t one single researcher, person or politician etc., or one research institute, science academy or any other institution which would raise at least the following elementary questions: <br/>
1. Do the so-called “renewable” energy resources really renew? <br/>
2. Does renewable energy use in greater portions exert any negative natural-environmental effects? <br/>
3. If it does, which are these? 4. Knowing the negative effects, is it worth using them in greater portions? <br/>
And so on.
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Lethal Kickback of Largescale Renewable Energy Exploitation

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